About Me

Hello! I’m JoAnna and this site is a collection of various teaching materials I’ve created for various ministry/church contexts as well as Hebrew classes. And a blog…a very periodic blog. ​(Even more periodic than my twitter posts!)

I have a passion for teaching and discipleship within the local church. And I’m a big (biblical) Hebrew nerd. (Seriously. Hebrew is my life. I’ve even incorporated it into how I’ve decorated my home.) I have a PhD (and ThM) in Old Testament studies from Dallas Theological Seminary. And I got my start at the small Texas Baptist Undergrad, Howard Payne University, where I studied theology and biblical languages. 

I’m an associate professor at Dallas International University where I teach Hebrew, including my favorite class: Hebrew Discourse Features!

I have also served in many unofficial capacities within local churches, primarily in teaching roles, but in various other ways as well. I also spent seven years working for the Baptist Student Ministry: two years at UNLV, and five at SMU and UTSWMC. 

Since I’ve amassed such a collection of teachings that have been gathering dust in my computer folders, I finally decided that I would allow them to see the light of day again. I am working on making my various files “polished” enough for posting on this site. I hope that my lessons/materials may be helpful to others. These materials may be used as is, as long as proper attribution is preserved.